We added the new video and gumroad link and animated gifs
You may now take your pants back off. <3
Updated 7/21/2024 by MondoCat
Omg guys, so it's been like 2 WEEKS since the last update!!!!!
I know you've all been anxiously awaiting the next update, so here it is! Our new layout is here! WOOT!
Updated 2/13/2023 by MondoCat
Some Long Paragraph You're Not Gunna Read
Above all else, we are a fellowship. I know everyone and their mom's community says "But wweee'reee faammmilly" and then when shit hits the fan, they say "O WELL" and run off. Well fuck them! We're here for life, we're here for the long run.
I've been running communities since 1998, starting with local rabbit clubs, graduating to anime, video games, digital media, MMORPGS, and even some cool IRL stuff. Yeah I fucked shit up along the way as I was learning How2Community, but every mistake is an opportunity to grow and learn, and so I do, and I pass that knowledge along to you, my children.
I know sometimes you have a bad day. Some days you feel like shit and you say something you don't mean. Sometimes you've never been taught tact or how to interact with others properly. But you know what?
Instead of punishing our people, we teach... with love. As long as you promise to never give up and never stop improving, I'll never give you up. Never let you down. Never run around... and hurt you.
MondoDad's got your back. For real. <3
OwO whats this? *Notices you should join the discord*