
I don't want to read all of these T_T
- TLDR Rules: Don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
I don't wanna read the rules, but I wanna know how I should act!
- I want you to be yourself, but I want you to refrain from pissing on the floor, and if you do, it's your responsibility to clean it up.
If you think about pissing on the floor... Sometimes you might piss on the floor, especially if you're just a kid and just learning how to piss. It'll kinda suck, and you gotta clean it up, or your parents will clean it up. Regardless, it needs cleaned up.
Eventually, as you get older, you take the time to learn how not to piss on the floor, and piss in the toilet.
If you don't take the time to learn how to piss in the proper place, you'll keep pissing on the floor, and everyone around you will step in it and someone has to clean it up. It's fine when you're a baby, but when you're an adult... You gotta piss in the proper place.
You might fuck up sometimes and get drunk, and then piss on the floor, but it's still on you as an adult to clean up your piss. Because sometimes, everyone has some piss that lands on the floor. And that's life. Piss happens. What REALLY matters is how you handle that piss.
Are you going to clean it up? Are you going to try not to piss on the floor? Are you going to subject others to stepping in it or cleaning it up for you? This is what matters. Not that you pissed, but how you deal with the piss.
....and then there's people like Mondo, who are incontinent! but Mondo lets people know "Yes, I gradually pee myself all day long, BUT I wear a pad to mitigate the piss, and if you happen to find some piss, lmk and I will clean it up, I apologize in advance!"
(Thank you Ghosty! <3)
Staff Rules

- A. Treat each other and all group members with respect.
- B. Make a safe place for participants to be themselves.
- C. To enforce the rules equally as best as we can with the resources we have, without discrimination of any kind.
- D. Be open to answering questions, addressing concerns, and being transparent when possible about staff decisions and actions.
- E. Be positive examples of the community.
- F. Guide and teach members on various topics, from being the greenest newbie, learning to love yourself, running your own events, and more!
- G. To make mistakes like any other human being and learn from them and do better
- H. Not take unreasonable shit from people being dicks. If someone is not willing to calmly discuss like an adult, they are to be disciplined accordingly, up to and including banning.
#Da-Rules: Server Facts
- FACT 1: This server is "Wholesomely Crude", which means we're primarily wholesome, but not afraid to get a bit crude for humorous reasons at appropriate times with the appropriate company. This is NOT an ERP server. If you cannot handle being primarily wholesome and a bit crude, this is not the server for you.
- FACT 2: If, as a newbie (unestablished member), you do unredeemably sus stuff, you will be removed immediately. For established members: 3 Severe Infractions (at mod's discretion) & you're outta here!
- FACT 3: Use Chain Of Command when any issue arises. No issue too big or too small! No member too old or too new.
- FACT 4: Relationships are allowed, but you will not use us as a dating website. & are VR dating websites. If you are seen in a pattern of "joining, getting relationship, leaving/going MIA, coming back when that relationship ending, etc" you will be removed from the server. If you do get into a relationship, you are agreeing to not let any relationship drama interfere with the server, etc. Please utilize the block feature if you cannot split amicably. Everyone has their good and bad days, that is expected, but we are not here to play relationship therapist for you. <3 If you are not ready to have a healthy relationship based on trust, 100% open and honest communication, setting and honoring boundaries, focusing on love, learning, and growing together in a committed (mono or mutually agreed upon poly) environment, please do not get into one. Relationships are a lot of work and commitment, so please consider just being friends with snuggle-fits if it fits your needs and you are not ready for a relationship. <3
#Da-Rules: Your place in the Chain of Command
STEP 1.) For small issues amongst your friends and long term members, PLEASE say "Hey, I'm not interested in talking about X". BE DIRECT. A lot of us are autistic and can't take hints. Set your boundaries directly, in DM if possible, so there is a paper trail. Say something like "I do not like being cuddled, please do not cuddle with me without asking permission first." not "Idk if im into that rn, hehe. Maybe next time~ <3"
Most people don't intend on upsetting each other. If they seem to be nonmalicious with unwanted behavior (and 99% of the time it is nonmalicious!), talk to them, clarify, or compromise. You can't fix a problem you don't know about and people aren't mind readers.
If anyone is unwilling to compromise, or continues after you tell them to stop, there is -now- a problem that needs investigated. No problem too small. -None-.
It is ACTUALLY irresponsible to wait until a problem becomes big before reporting it.
Please inform us EARLY and OFTEN of suspicious people, so we can keep an eye on them and stop them from hurting others. If you simply do not get along with someone, like, as in, after a breakup, or personality clash, please utilize the block feature of Discord and/or VRC and/or any other platform.
#Da-Rules: OUR place in the Chain of Command
STEP 2.) Talk to @Daddy Day Care / @Dadmiral privately or anonymously using #🆘⟝support-tickets or #📧⟝tell-us-things◄ ! If you choose privately, it creates a private channel to talk about the situation, what solution should work for all parties, and holds mods accountable. The channel stays open until you are happy with the action is taken. (Or you stop responding) 🙂 DO NOT CLOSE THE TICKET UNLESS YOU ARE SATISFIED.
There is an anonymous option, read the channel! You will, however, not receive any feedback on what takes place if anon, and we may not be able to act depending upon the situation.
STEP 3.) If you are, for whatever reason, unable to create a ticket, DM a mod 24/7/365 - No reason too small! No time of night too late. ❤️ We'll help you fill out a ticket.
PLEASE DO NOT just message "We need to talk" and then poof for 5 hours or drop a wall of text into our DMs about an incident.
Let's make a ticket!
#Da-Rules: Reporting Bad Users (NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR TICKET/ANON)
ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES! REPORT SPAMMERS! (Well, we can too, but then I wouldnt have a cute name for this section)

New for 2025! If there is something suspicious that doesn't warrant a ticket that doesn't need a response or discussion from you, you can now report right from within Discord! (For example: There is a spammer, scammer, or an inappropriate post)
Use YAG bot in whatever channel the person posted the bad post in!
Type /report Click YAG Fill out User and Reason.
YAG then logs the last 100 messages and sends an alert to mod chat to check it out! So if mod chat happens to not be paying attention to "FREE HENTAI SERVER, CLICK HERE FOR PENIS ENLARGEMENT PILLS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES" in chat, they will now!
NOTE: This is NOT a replacement for tickets or anonymous reporting. This is only to let mods know of inappropriate posts that do not need discussing.
Extensive Rules List

- DO:
- 0. We can't attempt to fix a problem we don't know about. Use #Tell-Us-Things to tell us about something casual or #Support-Tickets when something sus needs to be filed. Use #Suggest-A-Thing when you want something done or changed, and #Ask-A-Thing when you aren't sure about something and want to ask.
- 0.5. If you DO NOT file #Support-Tickets or #Tell-Us-Things, we WILL NOT act on anything. Please do not gossip about problems in your friends' dms, greatest enemies' twitter, or your cat who forced his way into the bathroom while you're trying to take a piss... and expect something to be done. The mods and the ticket system are there for a reason. If you do not inform us of your problem or suggestion, we cannot do anything about it, and that means you will not get the thing you want, no matter how hard you think it. We are not psychic, and we do want to help ^_^ <3. If you want to ask a question, don't ASK TO ASK! Just ask! We aren't scary and we will never yell at you for asking a question or reporting something suspicious.
- 1. Keep a sense of humor and an open mind! :3 We're here to escape the BS of IRL!
- 2. Forgive yourself for your own mistakes!
- 3. Have all the fun (Or else)!
- 4. Be your cute self! So no "no u"ing! You ARE cute! We're all cute here & tryin for good feelies to heal from society's self shame! 😄 ❤️
- 5. PROTECT your friends! Us #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets about stuff that is sus BEFORE it becomes a problem.
- 6. Be BRAVE and make mistakes! It means you're going to learn something new, not that you need to be punished. :3
- DON'T:
- 7. Be a dick.
- 8. Join if you're a minor. Sorry!
- 9. Forget to agree to disagree with others on casual subjects instead of argue. 🤝
- 10. Disrespect everyone's right to entertainment & happiness as long as it's tasteful.
- 11. Ignore someone making you uncomfortable. Politely ask them to STOP. No one can read minds if you don't say something. 🤯 If they do not stop, please use #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets so that we can keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't hurting others, or if there is a miscommunication.
- 12. If you fill out #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets with "Hey I read the rules!" we will give you a special role. To show that you're cooler than the ones who didn't.
- 13. Don't say the S zoomer word. (Mondo will be very sad and you'll get a timeout)

- DO:
- 14. Keep the 1099s and W2s to the taxes channel. Tastefully lewd jokes here or there in general chats are okay, but no NSFW imagery or extremely explicit content.
- 15. Post tasteful self-promo content in #💸⟝self-promo-rizz after you have reached lv. 10 in the discord.
- 16. Ask to be a partner in #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets instead of post it in the self-promo channel.
- 17. Keep posts and content in a generally positive or neutral light. If a post/link/etc is centered around bad feelings, controversy, scandals, hot takes, etc. consider the vent channel or another discord.
- 18. Use common sense, if it could hurt someone, don't post it.
- DON'T:
- 19. Discuss politics, religion, controversy, or scandals. This includes current events. There's a time and place, and it's not here. Please use #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets to get access to a server where this is acceptable.
- 20. Post disturbing content like gore, etc.
- 21. Mention kinks related to minors, lolicon, or anything else related
- 22. Use us as replacement for professional mental help. We have a vent channel for the occasional bad day. If you need access, make a ticket in #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets after you have reached lv. 10 in the discord.
- 23. Post info that is related to doxxing, stalking, or super personal information about yourself or others.

- DO:
- 24. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt and ask questions before getting mad at them. We are adults. Communicate.
- 25. Leave people alone if they are not responding to you. The ball is in their court at that point. Leave 'em alone. Respect it.
- 26. Respect people's personal space if they ask you to got get close / to not touch them / etc.
- 27. Create a positive environment! Society kicks us down enough, we're trying to bring each other up. So respect yourself AND your friends! Please don't threaten or joke about violence towards others either.
- DON'T:
- 28. Be a dick or harass others. This includes things like unsolicited commissions, DMs, slander, general dickery, etc.
- 29. Act inappropriately and claim being drunk, high, or having a bad day as an excuse.
- 30. Call people out for being a dick in the chats, if there is an issue, please use #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets to ask if it was a misunderstanding or they are actually causing problems.
- 31. Contact someone that has blocked you.
- 32. Block mods or event hosts. If there is an issue, please use #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets.
- 33. Circumvent automod. (For example, by attempting to post @everyone)
- 34. Use avatars that are excessively lewd or have particles/projectiles/annoying sound/using a soundboard unless the event calls for it.
- 35. Continue doing something when someone says STOP! Stop means STOP! No exceptions.
- 36. If, after you tell someone to stop and they don't, that's breaking a very important rule: Don't be a dick. We don't want those people in our server. Please #Tell-Us-Things or #Support-Tickets so we can see if there was a misunderstanding or if we need to swing that ban hammer. <3

Access The DLC
Once you have touched the thermostat a certain amount of times, you can request access to new areas of the server! NOTE: These areas of the server are NOT to be lived in. It is DLC, not the main game. Please use the channels correctly for their intended purpose.
- #🤖⟝the-void-⁽ˢᵖᵃᵐ⁾ will let you know what level you are.
- Get the "Wild channels" role in #🗯⟝channel-ctrl if you can't access it
Request Access
In #🤖⟝the-void-⁽ˢᵖᵃᵐ⁾ type whichever is appropriate: If you cant see this channel, get the "Wild channels" role in #🗯⟝channel-ctrl .
- -ticket open I WANNA VENT
- -ticket open I WANNA PAY TAXES!
- -ticket open I WANNA MAKE A WAIFU!
Level 10
➤ Venting Channel: #🧠⟝the-vent-⁽ᵇᵃᵈ-ᵇʳᵃⁱⁿ⁾
#🧠⟝the-vent-⁽ᵇᵃᵈ-ᵇʳᵃⁱⁿ⁾ is a place to vent about your frustrations for the occasional bad day, and not a replacement for legal, professional, or in depth therapy related help. There is more info here if you need more help than a venting channel may provide: Mental Health Corner.
- If you would like to vent with NO response, please spoiler your message and react to it with the :ventonly: emote.
- Please do not respond to vents with spoiler and :ventonly:.
- Request Access to the vent channel
➤ Taxes Channel: #Taxes
- The taxes channel is where you go to talk about... filing... taxes... Yeah. No kids are allowed here, they don't pay taxes!
Level 15
➤ Custom Waifu: #🤦⟝cultured-⁽ʷᵃⁱᶠᵘᵐᵒⁿˢ⁾
#🤦⟝cultured-⁽ʷᵃⁱᶠᵘᵐᵒⁿˢ⁾ is a gacha game to collect your favorite waifus. You can roll 10 times per hour, and claim one every 3 hours. For more details, check the pinned post!
- (Get started cheat sheet: Type /mx (enter) to roll, and then react to a waifu to claim!)
- You can claim a waifu every 3 hours, but roll 10 times every hour. Check the pins in that channel for more info!
- You are limited to REQUEST 2 custom waifus per person (So you can do 1 of yourself or 1 of a custom character, for example)
- Requirements: Name, f/m gender, and 225x350p picture (These are bot limitations, not mine)
Level 19
➤ The Clubhouses: #☕⟝the-clubhouses
At level 19, you have access to #☕⟝the-clubhouses, where you can make silly clubs, or serious clubs and have a space all to yourself! :3 You will automatically get access at level 19. No need to submit a ticket.
Thanks to Rekka and Renon for putting some of these together for us ^^