Why We Rawk
(add more!)
#1: Because Shimato says so! (Obey the Shimmy)
#2: Because everyone gets to abuse Mondo. (which is always fun)
#3: Because everyone gets to have fun. (by abusing Mondo)
#4: Because we just are.
#5: Because we're not afraid of PBVs, they're afraid of us! D:<
#6: Because we get to bring bunz a sandwich!
#7: Because #2 is big steaming pile of...
#8: Because we LIEK MUDKIPZ!
#9: Tylerella. (That is a reason)
#10: Cuz anyone that is nice and talkative and doesn't talk like a n00b becomes family.
#11: Because everyone phears HD!
#12: Because even newbies in the group feel like they are important and part of the group!
#13: Because everyone else sucks :D (BBT)
#14: Because we are sooo Shiny! (SABER)
#15: Cuz we got a kickarse wiki ;3
#16: Because we have the BEST Cookies ever X3 (and a Kitty)
#17: Because our group score is OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Priceless: We have cookies.
#19: Because Gawayno is nice to everyone and even to Mondo.
#20: Kia is insane.... therefore... we have padded walls... :D and padded walls = joo can sleep on the walls (which makes joo OFFIACALLY awesome) ... if there is no gravity x3 or if we have crazy glue >:3
#21: We are having a personality test to see who we are most like in the group (coming soon to a theater NOWHERE near joo~)
#22: we have THIS ~~> /('D')/ .................. nuf' said
#23: BECAUSE YOU HAVE EXCELLA! THE CUTEST MEMBER OF THE group =O ((Was edited by Excella, the cute one =O))
#24: Because we don't cheat ;3
#25: Cause we have zombies to eat you if you don't >:O
#26: The one and ONLY group with ham vision yaoi paddle wielding hobo
#27: We'll turn you into ham and eat you. Right poi poi :D
#28: Cause Seal's a sadist. Mostly when it concerns Karan.
#29: Because we got almost 30 reasons to be...
#30: Because now we GOT 30 reasons!! :D
#31: Because we have SUPER GLOMPAGE powers
#32: Cuz Mondo is the best master ever
#33: Cuz you can just talk to people and sit on your butt (two of my favorite things)
#34: cuz wii dun talc liek nubs