Game Worlds

From MondoCat.TV Wiki - Welcome Nerds!

Quest Supported Game Worlds

Among Us by Jar

Battle Discs R3 by nono@のの

Battle Discs R4 by nono@のの

Battleship Game by Rubisorange

BOMBERio by キャンディちゃん (Kyandi-chan) {CandyChan}

Cards Against Humanity by Unigold

Cottonfox Billiards by Juice...

Crisis - kill em before getting killed by wangjie000

Drinking Night by Rackshaw

Dead Men Walking by Jar

Draw Your Weapon by CyanLaser

Ghost - Police Office by NoLife1942

Haunted Asylum by Ostinyo

Initial D Akina by Jintei13

Infested by NoLife1942

Just Dance VR by Ikbenmathijs

Khyaber's Mini Golf Madness by Khyaber

Kingdom Scrolls v2 by Jar

Kitchen Cooks by Jar

Kitchen VS Kitchen by Jar

Know Your Friends Better - Dice Game by TomLehockySK

Lightcycle Arena by MyroP

Magic Freeze tag by Jar

Maru's Mini Arcade by ~Maru~

Murder 2 by Jar

Murder 3 by Jar

Murder 4 by Jar

Never Have I Ever˸ Automated by Twisty10000

Overseer by Jar

Price Guess by Jar

Press The Button? by Cloaked Schemer

Pew Pew! by Riney

Prison Escape by Ostinyo

Prompt Or Die by K0haku/Puppet~

Prop Hunt by MMMaellon

Putt Putt Quest (Night) by Ostinyo

Quick, Draw! by Maki Maki

Ring of Judgement by Jar

Semi-Auto Poker Table 半自動ポーカー卓 by おおかみちゃん (Ōkami-chan) (Wolf)

ShootingBattleVRC by K1911jp_けーいち

ShootingBattleVRC - Delta by K1911jp_けーいち

Spirit Speak Game by Jar

Super VR Ball by Faxmashine

Treasure Scramble by ootamato

TonboBattlefield Classic by LefTonba

TonboBattlefield 2 - v1.4.2 by LefTonba

Truth or Dare by Street0r

Truth or Dare by Helfull

Uno (Better) by Encoye

Would You Rather by Kiran

Would You Rather? by Cloaked Schemer

YakyuBan(野球盤)(Baseball Board) by hamuheri

Yes/No Automated by Twisty10000

ZombieTag by markers~

NonQuest Game Worlds

Frank by CyanLaser

The Fox Den (Chess) by VDAngel

Laserdome by xCirrex

Pac-Man (Game) by Squall-

Ridge Racer by Z0NE

Smash Contest by bironist

Squat Gym by リノール (Rinōru) (Linol)

VRCDoom by lf_yt

Broken Games (To keep an eye on)

Mario Card Party [Multiplayer] by Nintega Dario