From MondoCat.TV Wiki - Welcome Nerds!
Verticle Smilies :O | ||||||
Eyes Note - = OR : |
Colon is generally used. Equals sign means "more extreme meaning" usually. :D < =D | |||||
! / ~ Note - | Adding "!!!" or "~~~" to the end also generally means "more" / "playful" / if there's a lot of them -> "more sarcastic" | |||||
< Note - | Also adding Up eyebrows means either "More Extreme", or "With Worry/Shyness/Happiness/Shock" <=| <=D <=O | |||||
> Note - | Also adding Down eyebrows means either "More Extreme", or "With Anger/Frustration/Evilness" >=| >=D >=3 | |||||
'Note - | Adding a tear ( ' ) usually means theres also happiness or worry added on to whatever smily. :'3 :'( :'| | |||||
:) | Shy/Genuine Happiness | |||||
:( | "lol" Sad.. usually used when joking primarily | |||||
:o | Surprised, not neccisarily happy/sad/mad or anything | |||||
:o.... | Surprised, but feeling shy or embarrased | |||||
:O | MAYBE Sarcastic surprised, but usually "lol" surprised, or poking fun at | |||||
:O~~ | Usually definately Sarcastic surprised/joking | |||||
:3 | General Happiness | |||||
:333 | Really happy! | |||||
:3... or :333... | Shy or embarrased happiness | |||||
x3 | Amused, maybe i found it a bit funny | |||||
x3333 | Definately amused | |||||
:D | Somewhat excited | |||||
D: | Surprised, but not too thrilled about it | |||||
D: | Surprised, but not too thrilled about it | |||||
:/ | Somewhat upset or worried | |||||
:| | Moreso upset or worried | |||||
:p | Somewhat irritated / "that was lame" | |||||
:P | I found it slightly amusing. | |||||
:S and :Z | A bit tongue tied, perhaps confused "Dunno what to say" | |||||
:x | I feel really embarrased or confused and don't know what to say | |||||
:X or :XXX | Extremely embarrassed | |||||
XD | Something I found really funny | |||||
XDDDDD | Something I found -Extremely- funny |
_ / . Note - | The underscore "_" can be replaced with a period "." | |||||
Horizontal Smilies ^_^ | ||||||
o_o | I acknowledge you said something, but I don't really know what to say to that, lol. -OR- Confusion | |||||
o_O | Im a bit confused about what you said.. -OR- think whatever you said was rather strange. Or it could mean that the subject matter itself is strange for me personally, not necessarily what you said. | |||||
o_0 | Im a bit shocked by whatever you said, pretty much. | |||||
0_0 | More shocked than the above smily. | |||||
O_O | -REALLY- Shocked.. Like "WOAH!!" | |||||
o______________o | Really Shocked, usually really embarrased. | |||||
o_- | A bit upset/annoyed at whatever you said | |||||
-_- | Dissapointed, annoyed, or.. like "Ugh" "*FACEDESK*" | |||||
o_< | Really annoyed, moreso than the above 2. | |||||
>_< | Upset, usually more in a "omg whyy~~" way, and not like "GRR IM PISSED", but can sometimes mean "GRR IM PISSED" lol. | |||||
>_> or <_< | Annoyed.. A lot. | |||||
>___> or <___< | More annoyed than the above. Dont make me use this! | |||||
._. | I'll rarely use this.. But IMO, it means like "Realll smooth, cowboy." Or like "Bah, why am I still listening to these idiots?" Something along those lines. | |||||
!_! | Rarely used also, but usually when im surprised, usually annoyed. | |||||
@_@ and #_# | Used when annoyed/bothered with whatever was said.. | |||||
*_* | Pretty much shocked, and not too happy with it | |||||
^_^ | Happy!~ | |||||
^_^_^_^_^_^^ | Pretty happy/amused, but in a more slightly annoyed/shocked way. | |||||
^_______________^ | Really Happy!~ In more of a genuine way than the above~ | |||||
^____^'''''' or ^____^;;;;;; | Really Happy!~ but also SUPER embarrased as well | |||||
^^ | Slightly happy, in a cheerfull way~ Usually used in "good luck" situations | |||||
^///^ | REALLY Happy + Blushing. Probably embarrased too. Hard to make me use this. :P | |||||
o///o | Surprised and embarrased.. Blushing. Not neccisarily really happy. | |||||
Y_Y | Saddd, tearey eyed, maybe in a sarcastic/picking fun way (rarely used) | |||||
T_T | Sad, tearey eyed.. Usually in a picking fun way when used in those situations.. But real sadness when used in serious situations. | |||||
~_~ | Similar to -_-.. But in a bit more playfull way, where as -_- is a seriously annoyed face. | |||||
orz / Orz | It's a bowing person.. I dont use this much, lol. | |||||
\o/ or o/ | Horray! Or "AIR PUNCH, YEAH!" also not used much. |
Phrases | ||||||
lol | I found that slightly amusing | |||||
LOL | I found that extremely amusing | |||||
LOLLLLLL | I found that extremely amusing, but maybe with a hint of annoyance. | |||||
rofl | I found that amusing, but a bit more amusing than just "lol" | |||||
ROFL | More amusing than rofl AND LOL. | |||||
ROFLLLL | I found that more amusing than ROFL, but maybe with a hint of annoyance. | |||||
lmao | More amusing than lol and rofl. | |||||
LMAO | Something I found pretty hilarious. | |||||
lol..... | Something that MAY be funny, but im confused, generally.. (Sometimes annoyed) | |||||
er, | I'm about to say something hard to say.. or something that im embarrased about. | |||||
um, | I'm about to say something hard to say.. or i'm about to express my annoyance | |||||
so, or so.... | I'm searching for something to talk about... -or- I really wanna talk to you, but can't think of something, so here i'll try something random! | |||||
..okay... or ok... | Im not sure what's going on... or am a bit scared... but I acknowledge you said something.. | |||||
okay! | I'm excited about what you said. | |||||
OKAY!! | Either I'm annoyed, and want you to stop.. or am really excitd about what we're going to do. | |||||
*yawn* | I'm sleepy!! Or bored. Usually sleepy. | |||||
...wut? | When im confused.. and potentially annoyed if the meaning is the way i think it is. | |||||
wb | When I generally welcome someone back, just so they wont say something a-hole-tastic such as "THANKS FOR NOTICING IM BACK, BIZNATCHES" -or- If i'm really busy. | |||||
wbbb / WB | When I really wanna give you a better "wb" but im too busy/lazy | |||||
WB!!! or WB, *NAME*!!! | Im excited to see you! | |||||
HIIIII/HAIII *NAMEEE*!!! | I'm really happy to see you! Glad you're here! | |||||
*NAAAAMEEE*!!! *POUNCE* / *TACKLE* / *GLOMP* / *HUGGLE* | I'm really happy to see you! This prolly means I wanna play/talk with you also, if you want. | |||||
y0/yo | Too lazy to type out a proper greeting.. but im in a good mood. -or- feeling gangsttaaaa~ XD. Hi. :3 | |||||
sup | Pretty much the same as bove.. | |||||
omg | I'm shocked, or really embarrased | |||||
OMG | REALLY shocked or embarrased.. Sometimes happy-embarrased. Usually easier to tell when combined with a smily.. IE: "OMG ^___^" |
Grammar | ||||||
"are" / "is" / "Ish" / "be" | When I'm being playfull! Example: I are bored I is/ish/be Mondo! |