
From MondoCat.TV Wiki - Welcome Nerds!


Verticle Smilies :O
Eyes Note -
= OR :
Colon is generally used. Equals sign means "more extreme meaning" usually. :D < =D
! / ~ Note - Adding "!!!" or "~~~" to the end also generally means "more" / "playful" / if there's a lot of them -> "more sarcastic"
< Note - Also adding Up eyebrows means either "More Extreme", or "With Worry/Shyness/Happiness/Shock" <=| <=D <=O
> Note - Also adding Down eyebrows means either "More Extreme", or "With Anger/Frustration/Evilness" >=| >=D >=3
'Note - Adding a tear ( ' ) usually means theres also happiness or worry added on to whatever smily. :'3 :'( :'|
:) Shy/Genuine Happiness
:( "lol" Sad.. usually used when joking primarily
:o Surprised, not neccisarily happy/sad/mad or anything
:o.... Surprised, but feeling shy or embarrased
:O MAYBE Sarcastic surprised, but usually "lol" surprised, or poking fun at
:O~~ Usually definately Sarcastic surprised/joking
:3 General Happiness
:333 Really happy!
:3... or :333... Shy or embarrased happiness
x3 Amused, maybe i found it a bit funny
x3333 Definately amused
:D Somewhat excited
D: Surprised, but not too thrilled about it
D: Surprised, but not too thrilled about it
:/ Somewhat upset or worried
:| Moreso upset or worried
:p Somewhat irritated / "that was lame"
:P I found it slightly amusing.
:S and :Z A bit tongue tied, perhaps confused "Dunno what to say"
:x I feel really embarrased or confused and don't know what to say
:X or :XXX Extremely embarrassed
XD Something I found really funny
XDDDDD Something I found -Extremely- funny

_ / . Note - The underscore "_" can be replaced with a period "."
Horizontal Smilies ^_^
o_o I acknowledge you said something, but I don't really know what to say to that, lol. -OR- Confusion
o_O Im a bit confused about what you said.. -OR- think whatever you said was rather strange. Or it could mean that the subject matter itself is strange for me personally, not necessarily what you said.
o_0 Im a bit shocked by whatever you said, pretty much.
0_0 More shocked than the above smily.
O_O -REALLY- Shocked.. Like "WOAH!!"
o______________o Really Shocked, usually really embarrased.
o_- A bit upset/annoyed at whatever you said
-_- Dissapointed, annoyed, or.. like "Ugh" "*FACEDESK*"
o_< Really annoyed, moreso than the above 2.
>_< Upset, usually more in a "omg whyy~~" way, and not like "GRR IM PISSED", but can sometimes mean "GRR IM PISSED" lol.
>_> or <_< Annoyed.. A lot.
>___> or <___< More annoyed than the above. Dont make me use this!
._. I'll rarely use this.. But IMO, it means like "Realll smooth, cowboy." Or like "Bah, why am I still listening to these idiots?" Something along those lines.
!_! Rarely used also, but usually when im surprised, usually annoyed.
@_@ and #_# Used when annoyed/bothered with whatever was said..
*_* Pretty much shocked, and not too happy with it
^_^ Happy!~
^_^_^_^_^_^^ Pretty happy/amused, but in a more slightly annoyed/shocked way.
^_______________^ Really Happy!~ In more of a genuine way than the above~
^____^'''''' or ^____^;;;;;; Really Happy!~ but also SUPER embarrased as well
^^ Slightly happy, in a cheerfull way~ Usually used in "good luck" situations
^///^ REALLY Happy + Blushing. Probably embarrased too. Hard to make me use this. :P
o///o Surprised and embarrased.. Blushing. Not neccisarily really happy.
Y_Y Saddd, tearey eyed, maybe in a sarcastic/picking fun way (rarely used)
T_T Sad, tearey eyed.. Usually in a picking fun way when used in those situations.. But real sadness when used in serious situations.
~_~ Similar to -_-.. But in a bit more playfull way, where as -_- is a seriously annoyed face.
orz / Orz It's a bowing person.. I dont use this much, lol.
\o/ or o/ Horray! Or "AIR PUNCH, YEAH!" also not used much.

lol I found that slightly amusing
LOL I found that extremely amusing
LOLLLLLL I found that extremely amusing, but maybe with a hint of annoyance.
rofl I found that amusing, but a bit more amusing than just "lol"
ROFL More amusing than rofl AND LOL.
ROFLLLL I found that more amusing than ROFL, but maybe with a hint of annoyance.
lmao More amusing than lol and rofl.
LMAO Something I found pretty hilarious.
lol..... Something that MAY be funny, but im confused, generally.. (Sometimes annoyed)
er, I'm about to say something hard to say.. or something that im embarrased about.
um, I'm about to say something hard to say.. or i'm about to express my annoyance
so, or so.... I'm searching for something to talk about... -or- I really wanna talk to you, but can't think of something, so here i'll try something random!
..okay... or ok... Im not sure what's going on... or am a bit scared... but I acknowledge you said something..
okay! I'm excited about what you said.
OKAY!! Either I'm annoyed, and want you to stop.. or am really excitd about what we're going to do.
*yawn* I'm sleepy!! Or bored. Usually sleepy.
...wut? When im confused.. and potentially annoyed if the meaning is the way i think it is.
wb When I generally welcome someone back, just so they wont say something a-hole-tastic such as "THANKS FOR NOTICING IM BACK, BIZNATCHES" -or- If i'm really busy.
wbbb / WB When I really wanna give you a better "wb" but im too busy/lazy
WB!!! or WB, *NAME*!!! Im excited to see you!
HIIIII/HAIII *NAMEEE*!!! I'm really happy to see you! Glad you're here!
*NAAAAMEEE*!!! *POUNCE* / *TACKLE* / *GLOMP* / *HUGGLE* I'm really happy to see you! This prolly means I wanna play/talk with you also, if you want.
y0/yo Too lazy to type out a proper greeting.. but im in a good mood. -or- feeling gangsttaaaa~ XD. Hi. :3
sup Pretty much the same as bove..
omg I'm shocked, or really embarrased
OMG REALLY shocked or embarrased.. Sometimes happy-embarrased. Usually easier to tell when combined with a smily.. IE: "OMG ^___^"

"are" / "is" / "Ish" / "be" When I'm being playfull! Example: I are bored I is/ish/be Mondo!