
From MondoCat.TV Wiki - Welcome Nerds!

Mondo Official Terms

  • We are known as the Mondonians from the country of Mondstralia. We are attempting to build a Mondo Commune for all Mondonians to live and thrive. There will be public bathhouses for maximum wholesomeness :3 <3

Our Lord and Savior, Bones

When you approach him, dab for our lord and savior smokinbones!!!!!!!!!!! (You can find more at The Book of Bones)

The Legend of Snow

The Legend of Snow That is all.

Mini Sagas

Mondo's DICK Method

If you wanna talk to someone but dunno what to say, ask em about their DICK!

  • Dreams
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Career/Job
  • Kids/Kin/Family

You are guaranteed to start a conversation when you ask about someones DICK!


Let it be known on Jan 17th 2024, I met Wizzyy in a public pug and he was cool, and i hope i dont forget him

The Cuntening

Let it be known that on 1/8/2024 Lea was the cuntalyst for everyone to be a cunt. :3 The word lost all meaning for Snow Totem by that time.

Piplup vs Mondo

Piplup and Mondos hair is both about 83cm, so, uh, by the end of 2023 whoever has the longest hair, WINS!

Rath's Gas

Let it be known in the 19th of June, Rath had such amazing, powerful, girthy gas, that he was able to propel himself in a seated position in a cuddle pile. By the end of the cuddle pile, Rath's calfs will be swol. Kosmonaut challenged Rath to gas-off, and because he was lactose and tolerant... it was a close match.

Kosmonaut's Sacrifice

In the name of the holy void, in which we and the frogs scream in to, the void demands a sacrifice.

To appease it, we will sacrifice all flies in existance one by one.

Mondo's vood cat will eat the fly corpses to ritualistically dispose of the device.

Melty's Birth and Childhood

It all started when I saw a bright white light, it was cold and I could hear machines and voices around me. I was hungry, very hungry and decided to cry loudly to gain my subsistence. And as the prophets foretold, I was granted my sweet, sustainable milk. I proceeded to waste no time and strive towards my plan of being an epic gamer. So I pushed on, learning to walk (like a boss), learning how to speak (With max Rizz), and most important of all, how to be good at things but not to good to where It's considered a skill but more so like a little party trick to show people at parties and they say "oh, wow that's cool" and proceed to walk away while you are planning your next ice breaker on how you can open a can of beans with a spaghetti noodle.

JGamer/DummyJ vs JC

Becuase only one person can have the letter J, it is destined that Jgamer and JC fight to see who gets to keep the letter J, and Mondo's love itself. Little did they know, they actually lived very close IRL... Noone knows when it will happen, but an epic battle will commense!!!

Nomdo Cat

Once Mondo dies, Nom is to take over the server, becuase it's a lot easier to just change the server name to NomdoCat. Discord helped facilitate this and made all channels Nom's Dms one night.

Nomdo Cat Proof

Mondo's Magical Spit

If you are sick, Mondo's spit has magical healing properties and can heal even the tiniest of problems. Prepare for the LICK OF HEALTING :tm: to heal all!



EVERY DAY IS MLEM DAY! and Fiona helps us celebrate it! So MLEM with us all day, every day!

Summoning Weirdo

If you say quesadilla 3 times or talk about weirdo or initial d / ae86 in the discord, it will summon him. No power in the universe will stop him.


4/19 is 4/20s eve and you better leave milk and cookies out for snoop dog.


A young child who forced himself into the unicorn world during an early meetup. He said he was apples friend when she was afk. He started going on about inappropriate questions, and Mondo didn't want to kick apples friend. Then Apple asked if they could be kicked. Cue Mondos confusion. Turns out, they were not only a small inappropriate child. They were a lying small inappropriate child. He was booted, and we resumed happy fun times.

The Nooting

One night, we all dressed as Pengus and went and noot'd the black cat. We nooted ex-president trump until he was too scared and ran away.

The Glub Glub Brothers

Another night, we became a disgusting blob monster, courtesty of Sera. Mondo noted it looked like a mutated chicken nugget. Then we invaded a McDonalds and proceeded to "GLUB GLUB" everyone in there. Some of them became GLUB GLUB brothers too. Then we went through the drive through and ordered nuggets like the cannibals we are.

Purple Team vs Blue Team

Purple team has the biggest dick, one singular huge dick... and blue team has the smallest dicks. Green has no dick, and red has average dick.

Rabbit Hole Doritos

Your favorite flavor of doritos better be RABBIT HOLE! Because that's what rain said his favorite flavor was! see clip

Trying to tell Joken her favorite flavor of Dorito is Rabbit Hole Clip

The Great Donut Debate

The majority of people like glazed donuts. Why? WHY? When you could have chocolate!?

That Zoomer Word We Dont say

If you say it, you will be muted in discord.

We Don't Measure By Nemu

Auran glitched and his audio repeated constantly, but we didnt know it was a glitch, we thought he was trolling. see clip

The Great Cloudflare Outage of 6/21/22

SirPugALot issued cloudlfare a ransom for 30 pizzas. If they were not to be delivered, he would DDOS them. They did not, and SirPugALot DDOS'd Cloudflare, shutting down Grindr, LoL, and Minecraft Hypixel. Werner was pleased that LoL was shutdown, if only temporarily. In our despair, we went into a chatroom and watched Scarlet play Roblox. (For legal reasons, pls note this is satire and SirPlugALot did not actually do this.)

Origin Story

"This Community: In the name of Whitey Whiteface, all who defy the tyranny of Seal's Karan Obsession shall be subjected to ham torture while Mal sings "What is Love" while Mutant swamp kitties beat them with babies, and Salam is MIA in Abyss Dungeon 5. HioWang shall destroy world with ANCIENT EGYPTION LASER BEAMS as Fuz does unspeakable things to Fallen Amelie's Stapler. However none shall be beyond the power of the assless chaps upon the third eyelash of the preeti-est moose of all of Thannatoaster land of a Bad Romance. Mondo DOESN'T WANNA BE FRIENDS with a LOLBox containing a shield of hitting Elks with shovels. And none shall escape the almighty power of the rainbow whip or the rainbow trout whip for it throws Prinnys in every direction while your Crazy Aunt Gertrude passes out in an Italian Bathtub made out of nab brand censor bars while Kia KISSED A TREE AND LIKED IT but it turns out it was a shaved oily howler monkey. Mal pulls Seal's rip cord for Sumo suit turning her into an instant Inflate-a-cat full of Grape jelly from Bookstore's Nurse Nyxx equipment while everyone asks for itens stealing ladyrudahbr's spleen and kidneys. The powers of the Millenium puzzle transform Kia into Daev as Shoppeh plans to reclaim her eternal lurv of Aunt Gertrude while kiaxdaevxsalamxsealxfuzeexnikexmondoxwhitefacexmalxmal2xlexxiaxStripeyxhiowang fanfics are spread all across Bokki Nigeria will Kitty faces destroy half of mega bank with the power of 3D Circles of Bearded Nuns in a Love Shack made of Ke$ha's glitter tacos. But None shall have the power of the Watermelon blades in Nutella wielded by LESBIAN SHEEPEHS beating eachother to death then giving cpr (with tounge)

That's the short version of what this community has meant to me, its nice to know that these memories are just a few click sand keys away, as well as new ones to be made" -Kia


He is sportsdad. Please sports with him.


  • Mondo is your dad
  • Nico is the parent of Saul, TheSpitefulYeti, EpicWerner, SirPugAlot, and Landi. However, although SirPugAlot is their biological child, they have allowed Ziggie and Omni to adopt SirPugAlot. <3
  • Nico is also the parent of everyone.
  • Mondo is also Nico's wife.


Thanks to Piplup and Ninnleton.... For the most current version please see Family_"Tree"


Mondo is a big fat noob who SMELLS

But she has a big heart. probably heart disease.


He is a test tube baby, and also is weirdo's spitting image of his son.

Zero gives birth to philbert the cockroach


Nov 30th is Mondosmas! Leave your nuggies in the fridge overnight, and in the morning, mondo will have deep cleaned your fridge for you!

Happy Mondosmas everyone!

The Legend of Snow(totem)

Snow has a whole page dedicated to him that can be found at The Legend of Snow

Flare,Lord of Retail

A furry who works in retail!? Yep,that's right. This man can single handily bring an entire department's mood up to 100%. This man can also provide free coffee in the break room for those crazy nights. He is also known for his MANY miniatures that he uses for DnD and this small game called Warhammer 40k, but why does he call himself the lord of retail? Easy, Flare calls himself the lord of retail because of the fact that many people said that without him, the store that he works at wont be the same, so he took it with stride. Also because a customer said to him that he is the shittest person their. Thanks Karan.

Lore, Born of Shade and Chaos

Once, there was void. The absence of thought and mind, then in a flash of inspiration or some junk, the first hunk of chaos came into being. This was the primordial instance of the being which came to be known as Lore. Full of quirky interests, ranging from nuclear physics to general tomfoolery, Lore is a chaotic ball of pure energy. Prone to entering and leaving on a whim, after dispensing some sort of knowledge (or lack thereof), the Chaosbringer is always down to have some fun and or chill out.

Mondo Loves Suffering

The only thing to lure Mondo to sleep is the sounds of people suffering at games in voice chat. As such, she will often join and then nap, since napping is almost impossible for her.

Kyou's Birthday

Every Friday is Kyou's birthday! HAPPY BDAY KYOU!

Mondo is dating who?

Mondo is dating everyone. Congrats! (Unless you don't want to)


Every SINGLE DAY is frogsmas! Happy Frogsmas everyone!

Spicy Lore

Boob Moles

If you got one, it means you got some MILF vibes.